We don't have any specific demos or samples to share of a Funnel Pack. The content is the proprietary element of our products so it doesn't make sense to give this away.
You can see inside any of our Funnel Packs by viewing the "What's Inside?" videos at the top of each sales page. For example, there's one at the top of the Lead Generation Funnel Pack sales page.
In this video you can see the Google Slides version of the lead magnet, as well as the landing page, thank you page and some of the email sequence.
We are working on creating a "demo funnel" in the near future. This will feature dummy content that gives you an idea of how a Funnel Pack works.
This is something that has been delayed by the pandemic. We used our time over the last couple of years to focus on and support our existing customers, rather than heavily pushing new sales.
We're in the fortunate position of having a lot of our 1,600+ customers recommend their friends and colleagues to our products.
As soon as the demo funnel is available, we'll share this on our website.